Deuteronomy 6:6-7 – “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”



Proverbs 22:6 – “Teach a youth about the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it.”



Father -> Son Discipleship Groups:

These groups exist to glorify God through discipleship of our sons by modeling discipleship of our own.  Fathers and mentors will do life together, grow together, and disciple our sons by:

  • Who is this for?
    • These groups are designed for middle school & high school students
  • Meetings
    • Weekly – the plan is flexible for each group, sometimes adjustments are made for holidays or group events.
  • Bible Reading
    • Based on The Glade Church congregational reading plan (currently “Navigators Bible Reading Plan”).  The amount of reading for the boys may be adjusted group-by-group for age-appropriate reading levels. Each week the boys will bring something from their reading for questions or discussion during the group session. This helps with accountability for reading, and teaching the boys to study the Bible. 
  • Prayer
    • Praying daily for each other, prayer requests shared with the group, and fathers praying daily with our sons.
  • Accountability
    • As the boys learn accountability, the group will discuss and model this important spiritual discipline.  There are times where the boys and the men separate for accountability discussions. The group setting seeks to foster open and honest conversation with each other about  struggles. Groups also provide support for each other daily through prayer and encouragement through texts or calls.
  • Additional Studies
    • Each group begins with fathers reading “Raising A Modern-Day Knight” by Robert Lewis and leading the boys through the discussions & activities.  As groups continue, they have opportunity for studying individual books of the Bible together as well as other books on father/son discipleship.  
  • Serving
    • Every group finds service opportunities within the community to do as a group on a quarterly basis.
  • NOTE: If a student's father cannot be part of this group with a student, another family member can be that male mentor. If no family member is available please contact us to discuss options to discuss mentor options for your son.

Ephesians 6:4 – “Fathers, don’t stir up anger in your children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”


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"Prior to the guidance of our group, I operated off little more than intention for leading my son into Christian manhood. Our group and readings have provided clear direction, a plan for implementation, and the support of other men and their sons with the same goal." - Josh
"This group has been great for my son and I. I feel we have grown spiritually as father and son and also as brothers in Christ. I believe it has given us some common ground and led to some meaningful conversations." - Cory

Milestones & Activities for this Discipleship Group

  • Fathers spiritually mentoring sons
  • Young men valuing personal discipleship
  • Weekly meetings, prayer, accountability
  • Camping and hiking for building relationships (and Trek preparation)
  • Service opportunities within the community
  • 8th graders complete "The Trek." This is a rite of passage weekend event that is challenging, memorable, and serves as a next step into manhood.