Wednesday Night Courses
Wednesday night courses for adults resume January 2025!
Winter 2025 Schedule:
- January 15 - Courses begin (6:00pm - 7:15pm)
- March 5- Courses end (last night)
Winter 2025 Course Content & Start Times:
6pm - Programming begins for all age groups and courses.
**drop-off for Preschoolers and Children will be 10 minutes before (5:50pm) and pick-up by 10 minutes after (7:25pm)
Age level ministries will meet in their respective areas as well as options for adult courses:
- Preschool [check-in at Kids Station]
- Children [check-in at Kids Station]
- Middle School [The District]
- High School [Student Life Center]
- Men [Location TBD]
- Women's Courses [Locations TBD]
- COED [Location TBD]
Please RSVP for adults and kids to be a part of Wednesday night courses.