Why Serve Locally?

Serving our community is a tangible expression of our faith and a key component of our strategy to follow Jesus, engage in worship, grow together, and serve one another. By stepping into the needs around us, we demonstrate Christ’s love in action, build meaningful relationships, and make a real difference in the lives of our neighbors. As a church that is others-focused and community-obsessed, we are committed to being a beacon of hope and a force for good in our local area.

Get Involved

There are many ways you can make an impact right here in our community:

  • Local Outreach Programs: Partner with us in serving through food drives, community events, and outreach initiatives that meet practical needs and share God’s love with our neighbors.

  • Serve with Our Partners: We collaborate with local organizations and ministries that are making a difference in Wilson County and beyond. Whether it’s volunteering at a food pantry, mentoring students, or supporting families in crisis, your involvement helps to expand the reach of these vital community services.

  • Seasonal Service Opportunities: Throughout the year, we offer special serving opportunities such as Back-to-School drives, holiday assistance programs, and community clean-ups. These events are great ways to get involved and make an immediate impact.

Make a Local Impact

Serving your community is more than just lending a helping hand; it’s about being a light in the darkness and bringing hope to those around you. When you serve locally, you’re actively participating in our vision to amplify gospel impact and accelerate intentional discipleship, helping others experience the transforming power of Christ. Together, we can build a stronger, more connected community that treasures Christ and makes Him known. Join us in serving our community and be a part of something greater!