Why Serve Globally?

Serving globally is about more than just meeting physical needs; it’s about sharing the hope of the gospel and making a lasting spiritual impact. Our vision is to see lives transformed through deeper and wider discipleship, not just within Greater Wilson County, but across the globe. By serving internationally, you become a vital part of this vision, helping to plant seeds of faith, support mission efforts, and bring the light of Christ to places where it’s needed most.

Get Involved

There are several ways you can engage in global missions:

  • Mission Trips: Step out of your comfort zone and join one of our mission teams as we serve communities around the world. Whether it’s building relationships, sharing the gospel, or meeting practical needs, each trip is an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

  • Support Global Partners: We partner with missionaries and organizations who are on the front lines of spreading the gospel. You can support these efforts through prayer, financial giving, or by volunteering your time and skills remotely.

  • Pray for the Nations: Join us in praying for our global partners, the unreached, and for God’s work around the world. Prayer is a powerful way to participate in God’s mission and see His will done on earth as it is in heaven.

Be a Part of Something Bigger

When you serve the world, you’re not just participating in a project—you’re joining a movement that spans continents and changes lives. Every act of service, no matter how small, contributes to our mission of making Christ known and aligns with our vision of deeper, transformative discipleship. Let’s courageously go beyond our borders, sharing the love of Christ and making a global impact together.